Working On Yourself - Developing Interpersonal Skills

Working On Yourself - Developing Interpersonal Skills
Srdjan Kali

Article by

Srdjan Kali

Nov 11, 2019

Interpersonal skills are tools that we use in our daily interactions with others.

The presence of these skills is an essential factor of success, both professionally and privately. That is why it is justified that their development requires dedicated work, at least until they are optimally perfected. The way we communicate over time becomes a habit. You may have developed good ones while growing up, which is great.

On the other hand, if the habits you have developed are bad, you may not realize why you often encounter misunderstandings and conflicts in communication.

If you have a person who is oriented towards active listening, giving constructive feedback, and being a team player and empathy is not a stranger in your environment, it is, definitely, someone you can learn from. Each development ranges from identifying the problem or weakness, through defining the goal and plan for its realization, to the concrete development of a particular skill that can be implemented into everyday interaction.



Good communication skills are the most important feature of interpersonal relationships. They allow the effective transmission of messages without creating misunderstandings and conflicts. Interpersonal skills can be divided into verbal and non-verbal. The basis of effective communication is active listening. A good communicator is always a great listener. Before giving any feedback, you must learn to listen carefully and patiently.

By mastering the basics of communication science you ensure the development of balanced relationships and relationships. The essence of verbal communication is the skill of conveying a clear message so that your interlocutor understands it exactly the way you want it. Adjust your testimony to the competencies and weaknesses of the other. Forming thoughts into verbal content that you will further present in the best possible way is something that is learned and practiced.

Non-verbal communication is also a tool that can significantly change the whole concept, flow, and appearance of a conversation. Turn on eye contact and adjust the tone of your voice. Body language, mimics, and gestures make a deep impression, and an open attitude and posture will help your interlocutors approach you more freely and easily. Give others a chance to speak and sniff them to the end.



Not all job positions require highly developed interpersonal skills. Even if you work more often alone or at home and your work does not require excessive communication with others, you are always a member of a collective. Family and friends are also your teams. Whether it's a private or professional plan, being adept at sharing information, thoughts and emotions are always helpful.

The first step to improvement is to become aware of your weaknesses. You may already see what you need to work on, and you may need a comment from your friends or colleagues. Also, there are many online tests through which you can evaluate your interpersonal skills and discover what you can perfect.

Why is this good?

Someone needs good negotiation or debate skills, some active listening skills, and developed empathy, and someone will need to work to improve their counseling and problem-solving or conflict-solving skills. No need to overflow. Act on your character, needs, and the job position that is right for you.



People like to be surrounded by those who are positive and optimistic. Whether it is a specific problem or daily communication, you will always turn to a person with a cheerful spirit, right? Strengthening your positive attitude is a reminder of all the good you have or do.

We wrote about the balance of business and private where we drew attention to the importance of directing to the present moment. If you are upset in the private realm, going deeper into business tasks and the environment will make you forget what is burdening you. Also, you will be more present in the workplace as well as in the interpersonal relationships you establish and develop.

Pay attention to others. It's okay for your colleagues' interest to be commensurate with how much time you spend together daily. To strengthen relationships in your team, you don't need to know everything about everyone. You must know enough to adequately reach everyone.



Labeling is one of the main barriers to communication. Don't let prejudices formed by the first impression or testimony of others shape your interpersonal approach. Have your style and try to make it comfortable and objective in business communication.

There are two extremes to avoid. Justification and explanation on the one hand and passive-aggressive and impulsive reactions on the other. If you are not turned to the good and do not value yourself enough, insecurity and helplessness will be felt through the way you ask or answer. Also, silence and accumulation of dissatisfaction will influence the appearance of thoughtlessness and quickness in communication.

Be straightforward and clear. Creating a sincere and personalized approach is an exercise, and freedom and directness in conversation eliminates many possibilities for misunderstanding. Do not force the conversation. If it's an introvert, a person with a bad day or more who loves writing communication, respect that. The dialogue you insist on can easily be turned into a monologue without any feedback.



Balanced social relationships are not only important to your private life but also your business environment. Working in a collective requires open communication, requires you to actively act and think, but also to readily accept the suggestions and criticisms of others. Socially intelligent people have developed empathy, are reliable and resourceful. Work to develop conflict resolution skills as well as a rational attitude to problem situations.

However, the business atmosphere is very different from everyday and immediate situations. Sometimes you will be offended or provoked in the workplace. Still, that's no reason to react. Control of yourself and your emotions is essential for a functional work environment. Once mastered, the self-management skills will allow you to deal with your frustration and frustration very easily.

Highly emotionally and socially intelligent people find it easier to establish harmony in all walks of life. To be good at recognizing and understanding the emotions of your interlocutors, it is essential that you first be objective in identifying your own emotions, their causes, and their effects.



Interpersonal skills encompass a range of competencies that shape your approach to others. The way you act, ask, or reciprocate is always colored by your experience, but also by the view you have of the world and people. By improving communication, leadership and team skills, but also by developing the ability to control your emotions and understand the emotions of others, you strengthen your interpersonal personality.

Remember that a positive attitude has the power to color every dialogue you have. There are a huge number of useful educations and training based on strengthening your attitude, behavior and business ethics. They all start from basic communication skills and extend to the development of high assertiveness. Also, by enhancing your interpersonal approach, you contribute not only to the business relationships and organizational culture of the firm but also to the personal interpersonal relationships you establish.

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