How Much Does It Cost to Be Superman in Real Life?

How Much Does It Cost to Be Superman in Real Life?
Djordje Ribac

Glopinion by

Djordje Ribac

Jul 24, 2013

Kal-El. Clark Kent. The Man of Tomorrow. Whatever you call Superman, this humble Kansas farm boy has captured our hearts ever since we found him playing in the cornfield.

Our favorite Kryptonian and his unwavering moral compass have saved civilians and spared criminals' lives since high schoolers Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster dreamed him up in 1933. Five years later, a corporate predecessor of DC Comics published Superman in "Action Comics" issue #1. He received his own self-titled series the next year.

Since then, we've seen him mature from Lana Lang to Lois Lane; from Smallville to Metropolis; from leaping "tall buildings in a single bound" to hurtling through outer space.

And with the release of Man of Steel earlier this year, it doesn't seem like we're growing tired of the world's most famous portmanteau — whether or not we interpret him as a Christ figure, a historical reflection of FDR's New Deal or an embodiment of the American Way.

This Daily Planet journalist and Justice League co-founder is the poster boy for "American cultural icon." His backstory has become common cultural knowledge — The Last Son of Krypton was sent to Earth by his parents. He discovers his herculean powers and ultimately uses them to protect and defend humanity from evil.

Check out the infographic below to compare the annual cost of being Superman in 1938 — his comic book debut — and 2013, taking inflation into account.

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