Sustainable Housing: Intro

Sustainable Housing: Intro
Glenn Cross

Glopinion by

Glenn Cross

Dec 29, 2013

We must evolve. Our homes spend too much energy and we have to change our ways. Learn about sustainable housing - now a choice, very soon a necessity.

In this intro I will dedicate attention to many sustainable housing organizations, and create hyperlinks that will lead to those who fight to make a real difference. We can no longer spend resourses this way, so we must change all we can change, including our homes.  

Sustainable living is a lifestyle that attempts to reduce an individual's or society's use of the Earth's natural resources and personal resources. Practitioners of sustainable living often attempt to reduce their carbon footprint by altering methods of transportation, energy consumption, and diet.Proponents of sustainable living aim to conduct their lives in ways that are consistent with sustainability, in natural balance and respectful of humanity's symbiotic relationship with the Earth's natural ecology and cycles. The practice and general philosophy of ecological living is highly interrelated with the overall principles of sustainable development.


The Sustainable Housing Foundation. The Sustainable Housing Foundation (SHF) is the only nonprofit in Canada focused on increasing sustainability in the residential building sector. We work with builders, manufacturers, academia and governments to identify and act upon opportunities in the marketplace for sustainable development. We also educate home owners and home buyers on sustainability and encourage them to renovate/buy homes that are more sustainable.

Housing Network on The Guardian

Advanced and Sustainable Housing Renovation

Sustainable Home Solutions creates change. Changes we can achieve together: as individuals, institutions, and communities, to create a saner, safer, more sustainable world.

Change doesn't come easily. After 25 years of experience in residential construction, Ron Jones, the owner of Sustainable Home Solutions, began to feel a need for change in his own perspective on building. The term "Green Building" had been floating around, so he explored the new fad. A book here, a class there, a casual conversation with a colleague, and the possibilities began to pile up.

"The whole thing kind of snowballed on me. One step led to another pretty quickly. What I first thought would be something I could add to my list of services, like decks and windows, became an entire new business model."

The International Energy Agency

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