Food that is produced with the aid of GMO does not have to be labelled.
No labelling is required for things like:
meat, eggs, milk, and dairy products obtained from animals fed with genetically modified feed, additives, flavours und vitamins produced with the help of GM microorganisms.
Additives which can be produced with the help of GM microorganisms are:
- artificial sweetener (aspartame)
- vitamin B (riboflavine)
- flavour enhancer (glutamate)
- thickening agent (xanthan)
Labelling is not required for food containing GMOs up to a certain percentage. But still, containing it.
Honey containing pollen or nectar from genetically modified plants needs not be labelled.
But bees have to collect polen somewhere don’t they?
Applications of genetical engineering do not fall under labelling obligations if the substances must not be declared on the list of ingredients. And this is important for vines, cheese, pastry, chocolate, sweets.
There are even some things that don’t fall under p.e. additives category so they aren’t cathegorized for GMO either. Like bakers' yeast, cultured on a medium containing GM corn, vitamin C, produced by microorganisms raised using glucose derived from GM corn starch, citric acid, produced by microorganisms raised using molasses derived from GM sugar beets (not yet approved in the European Union).
There are also a lot of additives, vitamins and flavours that are applied to prolog shelf-life can also be GMO or made of GMO stuff.
So pretty messy right? How to know what you’re eating? Some would say there’s no way to know it. There must be a way to avoid GMO! Any suggestions?
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