And what that means for us? Well, food’s getting toxic even more!
The second generation is more toxic. They use more deadly herbicides, more toxic that currently used glyphosate.
Bayer has developed a soybean that can withstand applications of the toxin isoxaflutole (IFT).
This IFT is a human carcinogen thing, but who cares? We’re going to eat it, or the livestock is going to eat it. So we’re getting it anyway.
This thing works so that it makes a farmer use herbicides more and more.
Glyphosate just triggered a glyphosate resistance epidemic, so that had to be solved somehow right?
It is expected that Monsanto will develop this second generation more with new varieties of corn, cotton and soybeans.
Agencies like EPA or USDA have already approved it. Why? These are the agencies that are suppose to protect from this kind of bad things and they even approved it?!
What’s going on? Are we under some kind of experiment or what? And from US when is it going to go worldwide? Is it already put all around the globe? And who is in charge really?
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