The New Director Of Microsoft

The New Director Of Microsoft
Dominique Bernard

Article by

Dominique Bernard

Jan 31, 2014

Microsoft might have found the right person who will replace legendary Steve Ballmer. Find out who could become the new CEO of Microsoft.

After months of searching, Microsoft might have finally found the right person for the job of CEO of this company. For many people Microsoft is the company of their dreams, but, imagine how it is if someone is in charge of one of the best companies in the world. 


Bloomberg magazine writes that the board of directors of this company is planning to promote Satya Nadella to this position and they speculate that Bill Gates could lose his position in the company. 

If Nadella, who is currently in charge of cloud computing, gets to this position, he will be only the third person who was in charge of Microsoft for 38 years of its existance. 

satya Nadella

Nadella is, as the magazine said, a person whose interestments are much closer to Gates' than Ballmer's and is currently in charge of creating Microsoft's Cloud OS which supports Office 365, Bing, SkyDrive, Xbox Live and Skype. 

"People who are currently familiar with the process of choosing the new president also claim that John Thompson, Microsoft's main independant director, could replace Gates as the president.

john thompson 

Microsoft's search for the right person to replace Ballmer lasts much longer than they expected and Nedella is on the top of the list for weeks. 

Insiders claim that nominating the new CEO might include resignations from Ballmer and Gates, because their decisions might not match. 


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