That's it ... "Breathing the same air and sharing the same fate," was the title on the website of state broadcasting agency.
Xi Jinping was not even wearing a protective mask, but Chinese scientists claim that the level of smog is approaching to "something that is similar to a nuclear winter" and it could have serious consequences for the country's food supply.
They did an experiment; have planted two groups of chili and tomato seeds - one was in the laboratory under artificial light while the other was placed in a greenhouse in a suburb of Beijing. Seeds in the laboratory germinated for 20 days while for the ones in Beijing it took more than 60 days and it's a wonder they even revived.
Nuclear winter is a predicted climatic consequence of nuclear war. In theory, the detonation of a large number of nuclear bombs, especially over flammable targets such as cities in which case the large amount of smoke and soot are emitted into the Earth's stratosphere could lead to a period of several months or even years, during which the temperature would be very low and the intensity of sunlight significantly reduced.
Similar climatic consequences can be caused by a comet or asteroid impact, a scenario which is sometimes called “impact winter” or by eruptions of supervolcano (volcanic winter).
Beijing is currently going through a very bad period and the air is so bad that it has a long time ago been in the red zone.
The public is so upset about the pollution that one citizen submitted the first lawsuit against the state related to the bad air.
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