Strange Religions: Scientology

Strange Religions: Scientology
Stefan Ivanovic

Glopinion by

Stefan Ivanovic

Apr 2, 2014

The Church of Scientology is a cult created by L Ron Hubbard (Elron) in 1952 as an outgrowth of his earlier self-help system called Dianetics. The Church of Scientology holds that at the higher levels of initiation (OT levels) mystical teachings are imparted that may be harmful to unprepared readers.

According to their official literature: "Scientology is a religion that offers a precise path leading to a complete and certain understanding of one’s true spiritual nature and one’s relationship to self, family, groups, Mankind, all life forms, the material universe, the spiritual universe and the Supreme Being."

Scientology begins with the concept that man is “basically good, and that his spiritual salvation depends upon himself, his fellows and his attainment of brotherhood with the universe.”

The Secrets of Scientology

What is the appeal of scientology?
According to the church, people believe in scientology because of an "absence of answers" from science. They claim scientology supplies “workable methods of application, that made it possible for Man to reach the ancient goal he has been striving toward for thousands of years: to know himself and, in knowing himself, to know and understand other people and, ultimately, life itself.”

Do they believe in God?
They have a concept of God or Supreme Being, but no set dogma. They explain: “Scientologists take the maxim quite to heart that God helps those who help themselves.”

Do they believe in reincarnation?
They believe in “past lives”, with a person being born again. One cannot progress unless “aberrations” from past lives are dealt with. The concept of heaven or hell therefore relates to a future life, with experiences being earned by behaviour.
“In other words, the individual comes back,” they say. “He has a responsibility for what goes on today since he will experience it tomorrow.”

Do they believe in aliens?
It has been reported that scientologist believe in xenu, an extra-terrestrial dictator who brought billions of people to Earth in a spacecraft 75 million years ago before killing them. The essence of these people remains, causing spiritual harm to those in the modern day, it is claimed.
An official statement from the church, however, says “absolutely not. Scientology holds no such belief. Any suggestion otherwise is as absurd as asserting that those of the Christian faith believe themselves descended from aliens because they believe there is a Heaven.”


How is it funded?
Through donations from members. The church explains: “Scientology does not have hundreds of years of accumulated wealth and property like other religions; it must make its way in the world according to the economics of today’s society.”

Are there any famous scientologists?
Tom Cruise, John Travolta, Kirstie Alley, Lisa Marie Presley and Will Smith have all been said to believe in scientology.

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