Arif and Farman were arrested for the first time in April 2011, when it was found that they tore apart and ate approximately 150 corpses from the local cemetery.
Pakistan does not have a specific law against cannibalism, so they were arrested for disturbing peace and order, and sentenced to two years in prison and a fine of 50,000 Pakistani rupees.
After they had spent two years in the county prison, the brothers returned home to the dissatisfaction of neighbors, and soon after they returned to their cannibalistic habits.
Namely, the police, this week has broke into their house, and there found a half-eaten head of a boy.
During arrest Arif has admitted that he returned again to cannibalism, while Farman managed to escape and the police is still looking for him.
During their time in prison brothers often stayed at the King George Medical University in Lahore, where they were subjected to examination by neuro-psychiatrists, who were trying to find out whether their despicable habit has an organic cause.
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