About time, don’t you think?! We’re all using computers, and the software industry is making millions on us.
Some things should really be free. Even though big, gigantic companies will collapse!
And Microsoft finally got on the idea. They are making this free version of Windows. They are trying to obtain a bigger share on the market. Especially on the mobile devices market. That’s what’s this version for.
There are these nine inches devices that will have the free version. The official name of this Windows is “Windows for Internet of Things”.
This is really brave from Microsoft. But in a way it’s a really desperate move. They’re trying to win the battle with Google. Microsoft was once a big company and now, as many others, they’re getting on the dawn of their life cycle.
And Google, for example has their Android OS on about 70% of smart phones. And not just phones. Other devices also.
And this was the only chance that Microsoft has to enter on the mobile devices market.
So nothing is forever. Even Microsoft got to learn that lesson.
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