The Ghost of Robin Williams in WOW

The Ghost of Robin Williams in WOW
Dominique Bernard

Article by

Dominique Bernard

Aug 22, 2014

After death of legendary comedian, who was also a passionate gamer, but also one of millions of WOW players, the community asked Blizzard to give him an honor in the game.

A website revealed a new character named "Robin" in files of the next expansion for World of Warcraft - Warlords of Draenor, and it is supposed that it is an honor tha Blizzard did for recently passed away actor Robin Williams


The location where this new NPC should be is unknown, but they have seen the 3D model, that reminds of a ghost from Disney's Aladin, who had the voice received from Williams. 

"Aladin" is one of the most successful Disney's movies from 90's, and Williams's role left a significant mark, which is confirmed by goodbye note written by American Academy of Movie Arts. 


After the death of this legendary comedian, who also liked to play games (His daughter's name is Zelda), and a passionate WOW player, the community asked Blizzard to give him honor in the game. 

Numerous websites said that the wish will come true, and the official answer from the company is still missing. However, considering that next to this ghost there is a mark (Entertainer) the resposne is almost certain. 


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