Two Minute Morning Workout Man and Women

Two Minute Morning Workout Man and Women
Geneviève Roux

Article by

Geneviève Roux

Dec 6, 2014

If you have no time or will to do a long morning workout routine, there is a solution for you. All you need is 2 minutes!

These short bursts of high-intensity exercise are just what you need to burn mega calories and pump up your major muscle groups.

Try this quick 2 minute exercise series, which is geared to kick start your metabolism and get you primed and motivated to DO that workout session.

It is called the “Fire Starter“, and essentially it is made up of 8 exercises done for 15 seconds each consecutively without a rest in between each exercise. You do as many reps as possible during the 15 seconds of an exercise before moving on to the next exercise. All it takes is 2 minutes of your time and if you wish you can do 2 rounds, resting 1 minute between rounds for a total time of 5 minutes. Just set your timer to 15 second intervals and you are on your way.

This exercise series will get your heart rate up, kick start your metabolism and is a good way to warm up before attempting that gym workout session. Also, this exercise series is a great way to fire up your metabolism and increase your energy levels in the early part of the day and can be done when you get up in the morning.

Fire Starter exercise series:

Jumping Jacks (15 sec)
Jump Squats (15 sec)
Run on the Spot with Knees High (15 sec)
Skater Lunges/Side Hops (15 sec)
Mountain Climbers (15 sec)
Dive-Bomber Push-Ups (15 sec)
Leg Raises (15 sec)
Crunches (15 sec)

Article has been taken from 2 Minute Metabolic Boosting Exercise Series and I'm very grateful for these amazing advice. 

Quick Exercises for the Morning

For women, here's a different advice, but in video. 

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