Education is the most important thing in the modern world. Without it none of the miracles of technology would have ever happen.
Today's world has the rate of progression so high that its almost impossible to keep up all the time.
Education must be capable of keeping up with it. Or we will just get stuck in one place.
Therefore education also has to go through change process. It is not just about what we have to learn in school. Its also about the learnung process. Technology gives us so much opportunity for that. So much more! Its just about how are we going to use it.
Todays generations are through the process of education getting prepared for the world of tomorrow. What kind of a world is that? Well a lot different than today that is for sure. Theyre growing up into a hyperconnected world. Territorial or time obstacles to interconnect and share are becoming meaningless for them. We have got to give them a proper knowledge base for that kind of life.
Today we have got the formal and informal education. Formal forces you to sit in a classroom and listen or read or write. Of course you got to have a base of knowledge but thats a bit boring isn't it? Not everyone is interested in the same thing. And yet does that traditional way to learn and teach give the appropriate answer to the demand of technology development?
It doesn't have to be like that foe eternity. You don't have to learn about animals and plants with just listening about them. You can get out there and see it. Or it can come to you. What are holograms for?!
And yet there are the means of informal education. Courses and workshops to meet particular interests of every single student in a different way.
You can make another division of it. The modern way or the traditional way of education. The modern one is focusing to meet the needs of every student in the class. To adapt and to teach in a way you really want it. To deliver knowledge that you are all about, that you strive for.
And yet another question raises - isn't it better to erase the walls of thw classroom and to learn in a more dinamic environment? To make the environment your classroom.
Even the way you percept school maybe sgould change in order to get better. Maybe there should be more freedom in creating your own education in time and space.
And another question comes up. What are we going to do with the skills that are very important and you learn them just by going to school, the traditional way? Just along the way.
All of these are very important aspects of the future of education. You have got to meet all of them to make a good future of educational process.
And gamification? Well that could be a big possibility in this whole story!
These and many other questions have risen recently. And the answers are needed fast.
Maybe you could use a new way of education and learn something just on this link!
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