Anger management!
It is important to be good at handling all kind of emotions. But anger is something we should treat with a lot of attention.
What is anger? It’s an emotion. Some would say a negative one. But that wouldn't be as accurate as you think.
What happens when you feel an emotion? There is energy produced because of it. Emotions trigger the energy. You might not always feel full of energy but there is a certain amount of energy, like in the physics terms speaking, released with every emotion.
What happens when we are angry? Why do you get angry? How you deal with that emotion?
When we are angry it happens with a reason. You might feel there is some injustice toward you. We could say you feel some kind of unsafety, but the more precise explanation is injustice.
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Then, as we said there is a certain amount of energy that is coming along with feeling angry. Then you try to release this energy in any given way. Same as with love for example. When you feel love toward someone you tend to do nice things, for example. But when you’re feeling angry, what would you do?
That is the bad thing with this emotion. Sometimes this energy turns out to be pretty destructive. That is why anger management is so important.
First you’ve got to recognize the situations when you feel this way. When they are detected, come to the next level. This means, realize what goes on when you get angry. Everybody responds differently to feeling angry.
Then try to think about your reaction to feeling angry. Was it okay to do this or that? Should you do it then and there?
It’s good to express emotions. That’s what makes you human. And you’re free to do it, whenever and however. There is one thing you’ve got to pay attention – be careful, maybe your expression hurts someone. That is “breaking the law” in terms of society and emotions among people. You’ve got to pay attention how your emotional expression affects other people.
If you get angry and break a few things or yell at someone or scream at someone or even beat someone up… That is not okay. You might release the energy accumulated by feeling angry, but you’ve made hazardous damage around you. That is not okay. How would you feel if someone did the same thing to you?
Another thing, when something that makes you angry occurs, try to do something that is useful to you. You don’t have any long term use of yelling or beating. Or even breaking laws or things. Just damage you’ll have to deal with long term.
There is a lot of ways of expressing even this emotion of anger in a good way. You probably use Internet a lot. Use it in a useful way. Explore a little bit about anger control. Or expressing emotions.
One of good ways for dealing with this issue could be an emotional diary. There you can note what did you feel and how did you react. It can help you realize what are you doing and feeling. It could help a lot!
Go for it!
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