Best Fresh Fruits

Best Fresh Fruits
Anne Ahlin

Article by

Anne Ahlin

Mar 27, 2015

Here you will find a list of some of the best fruits for you to eat on daily basis.


Blueberries have more antioxidants—those magical molecules that can help prevent a host of maladies—than 40 other common fruits and vegetables tested.

The antioxidant plant pigments that make blueberries blue guard against heart disease, cancer and age-related blindness and memory loss. They’re also tops when it comes to preventing urinary tract infections, thanks to antioxidant epicatechins, which keep bacteria from sticking to bladder walls.


A single orange gives you almost a full day's vitamin C, plus potassium. The opaque membrane around each wedge has hesperidin, which may lower cholesterol. Even the scent is calming, according to research.


Apples are a great fiber source, but the skin contains quercetin, an antioxidant that packs antihistamine and anti-inflammatory power, and therefore may help protect you from heart disease and possibly allergic reactions. A study from St. George's Hospital Medical School in London found that people who eat five or more apples a week have better lung function than those who don't. So slip an apple into your lunch bag today.

Fructose Watch: The 9 Healthiest Fruits You Can Eat


Ever grab a snack but then feel hungry again 20 minutes later? Next time, reach for a banana. This fruit is loaded with potassium, which can lower your blood pressure, and is one of the best sources of Resistant Starch, a healthy carb that fills you up and helps to boost your metabolism.


If you've got digestive gripes, then kiwi is your Superfuit. In one study, 41 people who had irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) consumed two kiwis a day for six weeks and reported a reduction of symptoms compared to those who didn't. One theory: Kiwi, especially the skin, is high in fiber and pre-biotic complex carbohydrates.


Pomegranates deserve their Superfruit status. The juice from this gorgeous fruit beat red wine to win first place in a list of beverages ranked by antioxidant levels in a University of California, Los Angeles study. However, if you are set on fresh pomegranate over juice, wait for winter; the fruit is at its best between September and February.


Strawberries are bursting with vitamin C; just a cup full and you've already reached your recommended daily intake. They are also an excellent source of folic acid, which can help protect your heart. Easiest of all, they whiten your teeth naturally! Crush a strawberry to a pulp, then mix with baking soda until blended. Spread the mixture onto your teeth and leave on for 5 minutes. Reapply once a week.

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