Top TV Shows News on GLBrain

Top TV Shows News on GLBrain
Stefan Ivanovic

Glopinion by

Stefan Ivanovic

Jun 14, 2015

As a fan of many series that currently air and that will air, this GLOpinion was long in the making. I hope that it will cover all the major news through articles and smaller ones through GLNews.

There will be tons of GLNews almost every day. You should be able to follow it up easily by adding this GLOpinion to MyBrain.

Also, I want to inspire other writers who are into any sseries to create follow-up articles for the hottest and most relevant shows on TV.

To be honest, I can't quite remember when my oppsession with TV series and shows began. One of my earliest memories about being blown away by TV program was when I watched Band of Brothers. 14 years later, it's still one of my favorite shows of all time and I watch it at least once every year. 

Than, with years came The Sopranos, The Wire, The Shield, Dexter, Spartacus, The Walking Dead, Sons of Anarchy and of course Game of Thrones. (interesting fact: I got the Game of Thrones book for my 17th birthday in 2008., read the book in just a few days and when I talked to my dad about it I told him: ''It would be awesome if HBO was to make a series out of this one.'' Guess they heard me.) There are many more series I haven't mentioned, but you can see my list by following this link

What do I like about series? When people ask me that I always have one answer prepared: the depth of the characters! There is no chance a movie can be measured with series when it comes to character story. It's simply a matter of length. A two hour movie can't be the same as 13 hours of TV show. Those movies that are able to tell a great character story are on the IMDB's 250 list. Now picture how great a character must one be to worth to have five or six seasons.

Highest Rated TV Series With At Least 5,000 Votes





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