Current education trends

Current education trends
Aylin Davutoglu

Article by

Aylin Davutoglu

Jun 26, 2015

What are the current trends in education? What's going on in schools? What did change in the meanwhile? Can we predict new changes?

Education is crucial today. Do you know what are the latest trends?

What are the needs for education today?

First thing is skills that are required. Today education must be skill specific. It is also known as competency-based education.

Another quite important thing is the social dimension. Today social learning is facilitated by technology. Learning on the go is supported by mobile devices and internet connectivity.
Let’s see the details of these three trends.




Skill specific education – it is important to have the right skills. Competency based education is much more important than the traditional education. There is a huge difference between these two types of education.

After a traditional education program the student gets a diploma and a wide base knowledge. Skill specific education gives the possibility of learning technical skills and knowledge in a specific topic measured by criteria specific performance.

It is much more practical that one chooses a few skills to know and to get the proper education for those skills than trying to learn everyone everything.
It’s a much more open and flexible model of learning.



Social learning? It is not something new, but as a method of instruction it is new. Peer to peer learning and collaboration are essential. A student must be prepared for team work. Every aspect of this can be much supported and much easier with using all the technology wonders we have. Learners can access knowledge anywhere they want.

BYOD? Bring your own device? It can also open a lot of options.



Learning on the go – there is not that much time anymore everything happens quite fast. M-learning enables students to learn anytime they want anywhere they want. This offers students a lot of flexibility and much more options.

It’s the model of education that is capable of supporting changes. And changes happen quite fast today. That is one feature that the traditional education dropped. This model is still in the process of shaping. Wondering how is it going to look like in a while?


What are the issues that education faces today?



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