How to Use Psychology in Social Media Marketing

How to Use Psychology in Social Media Marketing
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Feb 15, 2017

Success in social media marketing is largely dependent on knowledge about your potential customers and psychology.

By using some of the basic principles of psychology, activities on your social media accounts can create vast number of reactions from audience and therefore improve your social media marketing.

Here are several tips on how to use psychology in social media marketing:

Free Gifts

People tend to like free stuff. Whatever you offer, if it’s free, you have a lot more chance for people to come to your website and take it. What you give away should be carefully planned as a part of your social media marketing, of course, but there is almost no mistake in getting reactions on this one.

What should you give away? Totally depends on your business and what you generally offer to people. My tip is for it to be something that requires very small effort from you, but can help your customers.

If you are an e-commerce website, maybe offer free VIP membership. If you are selling T-shirts make 3 for the price of 2, or something. If you want registrations and email subscription – ebook is the way to go. Gifts are about being creative, not costing you much, and bringing value to your customer.

Trusted Partners - Influencers

There are so many frauds all over the Internet, and people are not really trusty these days. Find someone who is trustworthy and to whom people pay attention to and focus on them publishing that you are indeed a REAL company with REAL free gifts or promotions. Influencers are a growing force in social media marketing, so ignoring them would not be a smart move. Some of them are going to ask a fee, even when getting a free gift, but you can always find someone else if you want to save money. Possibilities are almost endless.

Few Choices

Ever found yourself in a situation where you have to pick between the two? No matter how hard it was, it was easier that choosing from a hundred. Psychology is something that companies like Apple thrive on (quality is one of their traits, surely). That’s why you only get to choose iPhone with only two variations, bigger and smaller. While Samsung is the main competitor of Apple, they produce dozens of smartphone models each year. Maybe they earn from it, but we all know which of these two companies is more successful.

So give your audience few options, no all the options.

Word of Mouth

When you buy something you like – let’s say a jacket, in a conversation with your friends, you’ll probably mention it. It’s nice, cozy and warm and you got it cheaper on discount. If your friends need a jacket for the season, they will check out the store that you recommended. Even people who heard you talking about it will check it out. If any of those people end up buying it, you just posted an ad for free for the company you are happy with. Nothing can outdo the power of word of mouth.

By using these small and simple psychology tricks, your social media marketing can be improved a great deal, so make sure you test what works best for you.

Helpful links 

5 Ways to Improve Your Social Media Marketing with Psychology

15 Psychological Studies That Will Boost Your Social Media Marketing

If I missed something let me know in the comments section or on Twitter.

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