3 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need To Follow

3 Social Media Marketing Trends You Need To Follow
Stefan Ivanovic

Article by

Stefan Ivanovic

Mar 17, 2017

Social media marketing is often about trends and being informed about them. Know what trends to follow in upcoming months.

Social media marketing has been adapting and evolving for many years, and this year will be no exception. Staying on top of social media marketing trends will help your company and brand engage in a more unique way with your followers. People will get to see a face (or faces?) behind the brand and realize that it’s a real deal. These tips are even more important to start ups as they have the best chance to be completely informed before moving forward with their products or services.

Live Video Marketing

Started by Snapchat, Periscope, Meerkat, live video marketing is becoming increasingly popular. Once you see Facebook embracing this kind of strategy (as it did with Facebook Live) your realize things are on the right track. Trends are being dictated by its users and people showed much love for live video marketing. That’s how you get valuable info in much shorter time. I like to explain it like this: if a picture is worth a thousand words, than a video is worth a million.

Of course, don’t forget the use of photos and infographs, as they will continue to be presend as the vast majority in marketing. But the video marketing trend is on the raise and you should definitely be on board.


Once you decide you want to pay for an ad, you want it to reach the customers who will be interested in your product, right? Have you ever wondered how Facebook knows exactly what you were looking for on their media the other day?

By tracking activity of users on social media, algorithms are getting more complex and detailed and able to determine which ads should be seen by what audience. Based on your interest, you get ads that are important to you and fit your interests, and this trend is just becoming stronger and turning into an essential part of social media marketing, and marketing in general.

So predictions go as far as believing that every interest we have will get their own social media in years to come. What do you think about it?

Micro Influencers

The rise of micro influencers can’t be unseen. Brands are turning their focus on paying small time influencers to advocate for their brand as their opinion looks more credible to their followers. The personal relationship they build with their followers is on a much grander scale than huge brands with tens of thousands of followers can build.

Example: Nike publishes new running shoes, but you lack the courage to buy them as you are already used to the old model you own. Once your influencer friend, and experienced runner, declares that they are the best shoes he ever wore to a race, you will face a strong push and urge to buy them as you now know their quality.

With micro influencers, number of followers is not so important. And many brands are nervous to invest because someone has only 2000 followers on Twitter, but if half of them engage the content he publishes about your brand, it’s better than pouring money into someone with 100 000 followers and no engagement. One click is better that one impression/reach. Read: What Is Social Media ROI?

If you are interested in more trends, make sure you follow me as new tips are coming soon.

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