Some Facts about Arabian horse

Some Facts about Arabian horse
John Nelson

Lopinion by

John Nelson

Mar 31, 2017

Amazing Attributes of this breed

1. The original Arabian horses were bred by Bedouins on Arabian Peninsula. People started using these horses 5000 years ago because of their physical stamina and strength. They were used for war and traveling. Arabian horse breed has a very large lung capacity and huge strength, which gives them the ability to travel a very long distances in harsh desert conditions with no difficulty.

2. All of them have the same physical characteristics. They all have black skin under their coat. Science now knows that skin color was developed to protect the horse from the hot sun that is always present in Middle Eastern desert.

3. Arabian horses are usually light in color. Light coat color is the most common among Arabian horses. Other variations in color include grey, black, roan, and chestnut. Some of them can be palomino colored, but this is not the standard for this breed.

4. Arabian horses have skeleton different than any other horse breed. Now days, horses have skeletons with 6 vertebrae and 18 pairs of ribs. Arabian horses are one vertebra and two ribs shorter. However, this doesn’t affect their height and build when we compare them to other horses.

5. Arabian horses were nicknamed the “Drinkers of the Wind.” This nickname was given to them because of their strength, speed, and endurance. During the later periods of the Egyptian empire, Arabian horses were also used to pull chariots. They were used for transportation constantly, but also for racing and other purposes.

6. The common race for Arabian horses is 6 furlongs and the biggest events are Arabian Cup Championships. Arabian race horses are among the most affordable, with the average cost for a racing horse from 5,000 $ to 20,000 $.

7. Arabian horses are capable to dance. What could be considered a dancing is more of the dressage technique for show programs. However, this tradition of dancing Arabian horses is a century old and is often a part of shows around the world.

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