Why You Need Product Feedback

Why You Need Product Feedback
Srdjan Kali

Glopinion by

Srdjan Kali

May 11, 2017

A crucial part of product development process is to have feedback from your customers.

With information technology we have today it is much easier to get feedback for your product from your customers than in time before mass internet usage. It is ideal to have it as early as you can. Early information about your product, good or bad, can help you to manage it to become a perfect product for your customers.

Some surveys on the influence of customers feedback on the product development process shows that most companies find customers interviews was the most valuable source of feedback.

The problem with interviews is that they are the most costly and time-consuming way to get feedback.
When you have a small budget (or your amount of feedback grows) it is reasonable to turn to in-app feedback. It is also the way to get more feedback without having interviews one-on-one.

When you collecting feedback you question should not be just: “What we can do better?” You should go with more details and find out why customers wish to change what they said about your product. That will help you to understand their needs and give you the way how to improve your product.

And, on the end, there is the reason why you need your product feedback. Don’t forget to track the data you collected with your customer’s feedback. You should not allow yourself to impose your own assumptions onto the feedback you collected. Track the data you collected in a way that makes difficult to make mistakes.

If you are tracking the number of customers wanting some specific feature it will be easy to improve your product in a right way. You cannot accidentally make mistake and do quite opposite.

One more thing I want to tell you. Forget about what you want your product should be. You make your product for customers, not for yourself. Collecting feedback data will allow you to make the product perfect for your customers and this is the road to success.

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