Did you woke up angry at yourself because you didn’t finish all your obligations a day before? It is not recommended to begin your working day with anger or resentment.
You are not the only one with such a feeling. A lot of people have the same problem like you and I will try to help you to avoid it. Therefore you will maximize your productivity.
It is all in your mind. You should boost your concentration and consistency and not forget to grow compassion toward self. All this will help you to build your feel-good fortress.
You should stop treating anyone else with intolerance and impatience.
It can influence all the aspect of your live and make you snap at family members or friends who have done very little or nothing to make you mad. Skip the part where you hurt other people.
This is the new approach, and this is a new day. Leave your entire unfinished job from yesterday and start all over. Do your best to finish all jobs for today.
Our reticular brain is part of our mind that focuses on something because it is programmed to do so. Learn how to program it to help you to maximize your productivity.
An example of it is like when you buy a gray Toyota Yaris. Suddenly, you start to notice every single gray Toyota Yaris you see, just because your mind is programmed to search for one.
Now, imagine you have just four things to do on this day.
Send yourself an email with congratulations for finishing those things even you didn’t start to do them. Try to be specific as possible you can about how you finish it.
Now, you have programmed your reticular brain. Actually, you have told yourself that you finished your tasks, and as a result, you have sharpened your concentration and focus on completing them.
That kind of programming your brain is very exciting feeling. It gives you a confident that allows nothing to get between you and completion of your planned tasks.
After you finish all your tasks for this day it is not yet a time for celebration.
You should write everything you finished. Not just four tasks you programmed your brain for, but all small things that made your day so beautiful. In your list you should write all small thing you are finished that day for your family and friends, small thing you do for yourself ( a good meal, exercising, staying hydrated…), and keep that like your productivity diary, wit the date on the top of the page.
You should know that some days you cannot finish all tasks you intend to, but that is normal. Let them stay just some.
It can happen when you push yourself too much and expect impossible. You become so confident that you start to think that you can do much more that is possible.
Then you will start to fail. You can begin to disqualify the things you do. Don’t allow this to happen.
Even if is not every day go as planned, you should still write your diary steps. Write every step you made this day no matter how small is. That way you will shut down the negativity and unrealistic expectations.
And don’t forget the most important thing. Look back on the day you finished and be thankful to yourself and to everything you wish to accomplishing all the things you have for this day. That will give the signal to your brain that you appreciate your day and whatever came with it.
I wish you a lot of successful days in the future and I hope that this article will help you to maximize your productivity.
Follow me on Twitter – @SrdjanKali.
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