Srdjan Kali

Glopinion by

Srdjan Kali

May 24, 2017

Do you have bad time management skills? This is the right article for you.

Many people can’t say that they have good time management skills. However,  once they try to improve it, it starts to become mission impossible for them..

This particularly applies to those who work from their home. In this case, a worker must be more focused and disciplined about tasks he needs to finish.

As the number of people who work from home is increasing almost every day I made the decision to write this article to help you to improve your time management. Therefore, I picked for you some tips for smart time management.

Prioritize your work

Every single day you should start with looking at the tasks you have to finish. Sort them by significance from less vital to those that require your urgent focus and attention. Select time critical tasks that you must finish that day, and identify tasks that you can leave for tomorrow.

This tip will help you have a clear focus on what you priority tasks are, and will make you sure that you will finish it in time.

Make schedule

Every man in the world becomes victim to protraction from time to time. Especially if you work from your home where there is always something to do. It is not so easy to ignore your housework but by scheduling it you will put it in a timeframe when you have fewer obligations to do.

Do you have a  plan to make a cup of tea? Use time until water boils to load your washing machine. You can dry your laundry at the same time you cook your lunch.

With scheduling your housework and put it in specific timeframe your attention on the job will be full. It will not distract you from obligations you must to fulfill because you will know when you will finish it.

One by one

We all think that we can do multitasking and that, do several tasks at the same time, is so positive. That is so wrong. Multitasking mostly prolongs the time we need to finish the same number of tasks if we work on them one by one. It is much easier to focus on one thing at a time and this lead us to faster finishing the job.
Avoid multitasking as much you can. This will make your life much easier.

Take a break

You are not a machine. Your body and especially your brain need breaks. If you try to work without a break you will notice that your attention and focus going down. It is not important to do you will walk for 10 minutes or listen to some music or whatever, it is crucial that you don’t think about your tasks.

A break is an important part in smart time management.

Do not force yourself

Many of us try to finish as much is possible as we can. Often we overload our self with obligations that we come to a situation that we give up on tasks we must finish. You must learn to give yourself realistic targets or you will skip your obligations and leave the job undone.

I hope that this article will help you to improve your time management skills.

Follow me on Twitter – @SrdjanKali.

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