Why SMS Is One Of The Best Communication Channels

Why SMS Is One Of The Best Communication Channels
Srdjan Kali

Article by

Srdjan Kali

Jul 17, 2018

3 most important reasons.

In the world, the average user of the mobile phone is largely cluttered with notifications on a daily basis. On average, people earn between 30 and up to 85 notifications per day - which includes various apps, as well as emails or various promotional content. Did you know that SMS is something that can help you to stand out in this sea of messages? We have highlighted the 3 most important reasons for this.

1. A significantly higher percentage of people respond to SMS

Research from last year shows that a large percentage of users who missed calls and text messages, or SMS, is treated as the two most important and most popular communication channels in terms of notifications. The average response time for a text message is 10 minutes. And not only that - even 90% of SMS users read within 10 minutes.

All this shows that SMS messages have more weight compared to other notifications, and therefore a significantly larger number of users respond to SMS than, for example, Facebook notification. By sending SMS messages, you communicate directly with individual users, and thus build a better relationship and create a sense of intimate communication.

2. SMS makes it easy for clients, you and your staff

To be understood, telephone calls also have many benefits - very often it can happen that this is the easiest way to get in touch with important clients or partners, if we need some information urgently, or it is very important for us to transfer some information immediately.

On the other hand, phone calls can take a lot of time, be expensive on a monthly basis and, in fact, are not the most effective way to share information. When talking on the phone, interlocutors usually have important information to write down, they can often misconceive or even erroneously transmit certain information, such as the time of the scheduled date, the price or the correct address. If one of the interlocutors is in a carriage or noisy environment, it will be difficult to hear the other side, and repeatedly repeating the question and answer frustrates everyone. If the person we invite to the meeting, he will not be able to contact us on the phone. Not to mention that a phone call as such is not a scalable solution.

One person can speak freely with one person, and with a maximum of a few of them, putting people on hold and switching from line to line. With SMS messages, in just a few seconds you can transfer information to an unlimited number of people.

3. Brief and clear

SMS messages are, by their very nature, such a communication channel, which makes the callers "short", precise and clear. One SMS should contain about 160 characters with spaces. There is so much space to put all relevant information in one place and communicate accurately.

Your customers and clients will appreciate this kind of conciseness, and they will also have all the information in one place, without having to write them down (as they have to do with telephone conversations).

If you thought the SMS was dying or that it was not a convenient and convenient way to communicate with clients, we hope that this information has been resolved - facts show that the situation is different, and we recommend that you be sure to check how SMS communication will affect your business!

Follow me on Twitter - @SrdjanKali.


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