5 Tips For Better Photo By Cell Phone

5 Tips For Better Photo By Cell Phone
Srdjan Kali

Article by

Srdjan Kali

Aug 6, 2019

How to get the best photo from your vacation - using your smartphone?

It is the holiday season, which means that we are counting down until the first day of summer. Whether you're traveling by car, plane or electric drones (hey, it's 2019 after all), one thing is for sure - bring your smartphone with you as well as your camera.

Some studies show that smartphones sell 10: 1 compared to traditional cameras. And indeed, when we look a little closer, we will see that most of the photos we see today on the Internet, but also that end up in our photo albums (whether digital or not), are just smartphones.

Moreover, with the integration of well-known photography brands such as Leica, Carl Zeiss and Hasselblad who have made their technology an integral part of individual phones, it is clear to us that industry leaders have become aware that the best camera is the one you have with you - we all know what we're talking about here.

Social networks should not be forgotten as one of the crucial factors for the success of mobile photography. Take the example of Instagram which:


  • monthly visits more than 1 billion users
  • daily up to 400 million Instagram stories
  • generate more than 4.2 billion likes every day.

These and other data tell us that we spend the most time on our phones creating and liking visual content because that's what attracts us the most. We all want an Instagram profile, however, how do we achieve it? As the holiday season approached, we sought the advice of a professional photographer who revealed to us his 5 tips for successful mobile photography.

Change Your Perspective

A photo, before any trigger on the phone, is created, in fact, in the eye of the one who is about to make it. We have a habit of taking pictures only of what really catches our attention in front of us and forces us to take the phone out of our pocket, unlock it and enter camera mode.

Try a different approach.

Change your perspective by taking your head up and watching the rooftops the next time you stroll through the city. You will be amazed at what all the interesting things there are for pictures, you can also notice a lot of things to photograph if you are shooting from a low rocket, from the floor. Things look totally different and give you a different image that potentially becomes a unique photo.

Taking photos in the dark is no longer a bummer

A very good option on Honor phones is night mode, which can literally "open" even the darkest scene. In this mode, you need to keep your phone very still, or better still buy one of the cheaper phone tripods and you will be amazed at the sharpness and clarity of the image that can be obtained in night mode in a way that even your eye cannot perceive in reality.

The blurry background gives a more expensive look.

Portrait mode on Honor phones is a must-see item. For those who do not know what I am talking about, in this option, the subject comes to the fore by focusing on it with a blurry background, making photos more professional.

The most beautiful moments happen when you manage to capture a portrait of a cat that looked at you for just a few seconds on the street. To get photos like this, you need to react quickly and, first of all, approach the subject (teaser for the next tip) because as you know the animals change their mood for an instant and from the ideal pose, catch only the tail coming out of the frame.

Start practicing on more static models and practice choosing your focus first and foremost to make this your routine and your reaction time as short as possible.

Wide Angle for Clear and Dominant Photography

The Honor 20 has this beautiful wide-angle option that can be really interesting if you can't get far enough from the subject and want to pack everything in the frame. The wide-angle also adds to the drama if you get close enough to keep your subject centered in the foreground, and the full width of the background further emphasizes perspective.

And in general, no matter what the mode you use, get used to approaching the subject you are painting. You will be amazed at how good it looks when what caught your attention to actually make an image is actually clearly and dominantly placed at the forefront of the image. Add to that the great sharpness that the Honor 20 has and you won't regret it.

Photo hygiene

Last and very important item - clean your camera on your phone! All serious photographers with special wipes their lenses before each photo session. As far as the phone is concerned, we mostly keep it in our pockets and frantically touch the camera. If you do this right now as you read through the tips text, I guarantee your images will be even clearer and sharper.


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