The Unsolved Mysteries Of Ancient Egypt – Documentary

The Unsolved Mysteries Of Ancient Egypt – Documentary
Wesley Jeoboham

Glopinion by

Wesley Jeoboham

Aug 24, 2020

Ancient Egypt is full of all kinds of mysteries. Many of them are still unexplained even in the 21st century. There are so many documentaries about ancient Egypt; some of them are able to explain some mysteries but most of them remain completely unsolved. Most of these mysteries do not give peace to scientists who are desperately trying to solve them. Recently, I discovered a documentary which is different than other documentaries about ancient Egypt.


In this documentary (the link is at the end of this article), the creators of the documentary pose the five greatest mysteries of ancient Egypt and give a detailed description of each of them approaching the problem from a scientific point of view. Many scientists believe that the official theory of the construction of the pyramids cannot be correct. Such a large number of blocks to carve and place in the appropriate position with the technology of that time is practically impossible, no matter how many people work on it.

It is not just the weight of the material from which the pyramids were built, what is even more amazing is that the pyramids were incredibly precisely set up and placed in relation to celestial bodies and in relation to the polarity of the planet Earth. The geometric structure of the pyramid is so precise and perfect as if it were a modern computer-made plastic model. It's hard to believe that they could have done it with such a large building, so much material, and with the technology of that time.

So, it is quite possible that we are missing a chapter in the history of ancient Egypt. This is exactly what this documentary is about and trying to explore. Mainstream scientists are still claiming that official theory is the only truth, but many Civil engineers believe that it was impossible to build something like that without the use of modern technology.

The truth may never be revealed but one should always ask questions and seek answers to mysteries. This is exactly what this documentary is based on and what it is trying to reveal. It can be seen that the creators of the documentary were very dedicated and did not spare any effort to discover the truth.

Most of the documentaries we can watch on cable television are quite boring and they constantly repeat the same thing over and over again, mostly it all comes down to promoting mainstream theories. It seems that mainstream science doesn’t want to ask obvious questions that everyone would ask, how they managed to realize such projects with the technology they had.

For example, the documentary starts with the “singing pyramid” mystery. The singing pyramid is the ability of the Great Pyramid to sing as the wind blows through the special openings on the pyramid. No one understands how they made those openings. Openings were made to be vertical more than horizontal. This is a great mystery because no one knows how they achieved that, and no one knows how it made the pyramid singing.

You will find more details in this documentary, watch it, you will not regret it.

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