Communication and Customer Management on GLMall

Communication and Customer Management on GLMall
GAMB Power to the Merchants

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GAMB Power to the Merchants

Aug 24, 2021

GAMB, GLBrain and GLMall - offer new possibilities for communication with your customers.


1. Your own webpage on GLBrain 

Every operator of a GLMall online shop automatically receives its own website in GLBrain.

Here he can present himself, communicate with his friends and those who follow him and manage his online community.

Details on the user profile on GLBrain here: User profile


2. Your own "house newspaper"

In the GLBrain profile you can run your own in-house newspaper and share content and articles about your products etz. publish. Everyone who follows the user will receive automatic notifications of new content. You can also use GLMall to create banner advertising at the level of the offers as well as for the entire online shop and post to this content in a geographically defined manner.

All content with the respective banner advertisements can be easily distributed across all social networks.

More information here:


3. Your own social network

Direct communication with customers is very important and possible on GLBrain and GLMall in full compliance with the European data protection guidelines.

Customers who "make friends" with the online shop operator on GLBrain can communicate with him and receive new offers and information directly.

More information here: 

At GLMall, every customer can communicate directly with the retailer at the level of every product as well as that of the online shop. Corresponding information can also be exchanged here and additional agreements in the form of smart agreements can be made.


4. Automatic translation into 100 languages

The automatic translation of all content on GLBrain and GLMall is also particularly helpful. It enables all non - German speaking customers to read all content in GLBrain, to read all offers in GLMall in their language and to communicate with the shop operator at every level in their respective language. This means that both the shop owner and the customer write and read the messages in their respective languages.

More details here: Translation


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