The GAMB Crypto Marketplace on GLMall

The GAMB Crypto Marketplace on GLMall
GAMB Power to the Merchants

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GAMB Power to the Merchants

Sep 6, 2021

GLMall the new global marketplace for online shops integrated the GAMB Marketplace for crypto payments with GMBT the parallel coin solution for the GMB coin. Here is a short tutorial for Merchants on how to offer their products and services on the GAMB Marketplace


The GAMB Marketplace for Crypto Payments is now online on GLMall.

 Please see this video here as a first introduction:

Here are 5 simple steps how to become a Merchant on GLMall and how to set up Crypto payments for products and services:


1. Register on GLMall and publish your Products and Services

More details to be seen under this link here: Onlineshop on GLMall


2. Apply for being listed as a GAMB Crypto Seller

Go to the right side menu and select "GAMB Marketplace"


3. Fill the Application Form

 Once filled GAMB Admin will check your details and approve you.

All communication can be done directly and in all languages with the GAMB Admin by following this user here and friending up with the user. GAMB Admin


4. Upon Approval your products and services will show as offers that can be purchased with GMBT

Going back to the side menu as shown under 2 above and the GAMB Marketplace this mask will show:




Under Manage Offers the Merchant can manage all his offers with regard to Crypto payment, Discount, and employing Agents


Here you can monitor all your pending and closed transactions



All further information will be found in the different steps of the process. 

For additional information on how to use the GAMB GLMall Marketplace to promote your offers please see under this link here:

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