AMA Session October 8th 2021

AMA Session October 8th 2021
GAMB Power to the Merchants

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GAMB Power to the Merchants

Oct 8, 2021

The GAMB Team held another AMA Session for their community on Friday, October 8th. Here is a summary of all the updates that have been given.

GAMB held an AMA and update session on October 8th, 2021.

Here we present the Zoom Video of the life session followed by all information in writing as well all necessary links to all the topics.

All text can be read in 100+languages just by the use of the language select function left up on GLBrain.

Please register on GLBrain and follow the GAMB user here to get all updates immediately from now.



1. New Listings
In general we are only looking for top 10 exchanges for new listings. With KuCoin we serve already a top 5 exchange, so it wouldn't make much sense to look for some less important exchanges. That's why we completely focus on bigger exchanges. We are in discussions here.
We have a listing on P2PB2B, a smaller exchange, where we want to pump up the volume. On P2PB2B we have a strong market making team which will provide us with great opportunities, especially for long term holders.

2. Buying GMB with FIAT
We are currently negotiating with 2 larger providers and we will soon have an incredible solution. This is definetly a priority one project for us, because it is extremely important for GMB and GMBT users to have the possibility to buy and sell via FIAT in order for the GAMB Marketplace to work properly.
E-Commerce users must be able to purchase GMB/GMBT outside of exchanges, because our target group here is not crypto-native. They are very good e-commerce guys and thus we must provide them with an opportunity to buy and sell "outside from normal crypto world". Read more about this topic in Wolfgangs part down below.



Staking works very well, a lot of people have already staked their coins.
We want to thank the community for using it. Over 50 Million GMB have already been stacked and its getting more and more by the day. We hope to see this trend continues in the future as well. 




1. The GLBrain and GLMall team finished some very exciting features for the GAMB Marketplace


1.1. Management Tool for selling in Crypto (GMBT)

The GAMB Marketplace now offers new and very helpful features to manage offers to be sold for crypto (GMBT) on all levels of the Merchant's offers from all, selected to single offers. All details can be seen under this link here:

Offers that can be purchased with Crypto will show a GMBT Token sign and can be filtered on all levels of GLMall.

The GAMB Marketplace offers much more than just Crypto payments


1.2. The Crypto Discount 

Merchants in their GAMB Marketplace can also add a discount which will be granted for all, selected or single offers.

Offers with a crypto discount in case of using GMBT will show as discounted offers and the discount given by the Merchants will be deducted from the actual GMBT price.

Details can be seen in the link above.

The % icon for offers with crypto discounts shall be uploaded within the coming days.


1.3. The GAMB Agent and MLM System

This system has the potential to revolutionize the marketing for e-commerce through social networks. Studies show that advertising is strongly moving to social media and the influence and importance of Bloggers (Agents) is getting stronger is getting ever more important.

The GAMB Agent and MLM System combine the advantages of Multi-Level-Marketing and Bloggers through the Blockchain and parallel token solution.

Merchants can select what offers they want to allow Agents to sell through their MLM system and Agents can advertise such offers and get their commission on 3 levels of their MLM tree upon deal execution direct to their GMBT Wallet.

More info about the GAMB Agent and MLM System here

Agent registration and MLM codes are ready as well as the transaction management page. The function to manage the offers for the Agent shall be uploaded by October 20 at the latest.

With these additional features, we are very confident that our marketing campaign will get really good results.


2. Buying GMBT with Crypto and Fiat

Many users complained that the exchanges are very expensive when it comes to withdrawing GMB. Especially the high base fees do not allow to withdraw of smaller amounts as often used in e-commerce.

We solved this problem by creating a special tool where users of GMBT can buy GMBT direct with crypto (BTC and ETH) or fiat by using their credit cards or Paypal.

For more details please see this link here:

Buying GMBT with Crypto or Fiat

In addition, we are negotiating with some platforms to offer the same possibilities for the GMB.


3. The GMB Token Economy

The use of GMBT and blocking of GMB will start to increase a lot then allowing the GMB Token Economy to really take off.

For more details about the GMB Token Economy please see here.

The GMB Token Economy


4. Integration of online shop providers

The team created a tool for easy integration of more provides of online shop software. This will help a lot to now fast integrate Shopify with whom we already have the partnership agreement. 


5. Integration of shops on a country basis

We have gone a long way to integrate a total market leader in one country and are confident to have this done as per our roadmap. Once one has moved and integrated other countries will follow very fast.


6. Marketing

before handing over to Raphael for marketing information I want to inform you about two special activities which will be very important to attract some big players and countries to use the GAMB Marketplace.


Blockchance.EU will be the largest Blockchain conference in total Europe to be held from December 2nd to 4th in Hamburg Germany.

For more information please use this link here:

GAMB will be present with a booth at the exhibition and Dr. Wolfgang Pinegger will hold a keynote speech about crypto payments in e-commerce.

6.2. Expo 2020 in Dubai 

Expo 2020 opened its doors about a week ago and shall be open until the end of March 2022.

We shall be present there and visit many of the country booths and have been invited by the Economic Council of the Austrian Embassy to host an event in the VIP Area of the Austrian House to present GAMB, GLMall, and GLBrain. I think this is a great opportunity to reach out to many countries interested in our technology on highest level.



As many of you might have seen, we heavily expanded our social media presence.
Over the next weeks and months, you can expect a lot of different content across all these platforms.
We are talking influencers, we are talking YouTubers, blogs, tutorials, press releases emails, you name it. The goal, here again, is mainstream media coverage.
We are currently working on a large-scale content calendar to feed all our new social outlets and profit from the current bullish market.
We still do AMAs from time to time, but our focus has shifted now. The first few YouTube videos we have commissioned were mostly positively received, but of course, there is much room for improvement. We are constantly learning and improving all our efforts as this project is growing and growing.
But we have outstanding technology in front of us and it’s just a matter of time until people realize how great it is.
So I again come to you, our community, to ask for help. If you really want to support this project, then please follow us on our social media, like share, and comment on our posts so the algorithms realize that something big is coming.


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