Cut Down Liquid Calories with a Tall Glass

Cut Down Liquid Calories with a Tall Glass
Jacob Cherian

Lopinion by

Jacob Cherian

Oct 25, 2013

When we diet we tend to focus mostly on limiting the amount of food. However, you can do the same with beverages by taking less food.

Here’s another little trick to trim off some calories without dieting. I bet you use a wide tipped glass for drinking. Maybe you should save the wide tumbler for the soup and use one of those skinny glasses that taper off at the bottom like a tall champagne glass instead. This will definitely cut your liquid calories.

No matter how much control you have over dieting, there are times when you will be tempted to splurge. This is particularly true of beverages. By using taller glasses, you’re likely to slash your liquid content by 25%-30% - whether it is juice, wine, soda, wine, or some other drink.

If you must have a sugary drink or a carbonated drink, try making your own. This will leave most of the bad stuff like carcinogens and chemicals that can harm your body. There are soda-makers on the market that you can infuse carbon dioxide into. If you make your own drink at home, you’re likely to use fresh ingredients and healthier ones too.

If you find the tip about the shape of the glass hard to believe, researcher Brian Wansink explains that our brain interprets visual cues like the shape of the glass. We’re actually tricked, says Wansink into drinking more or less.
Wansink conducted tests in his lab at Cornell University found that even bartenders had a tendency to pour more into a wide glass.

Limit Alcohol Intake

If you have attended a dinner party or an occasion where alcohol is served, be sure to follow up your first drink with a nonalcoholic beverage. Remember, alcohol contains more calories than protein or sugars. Try a glass of sparkling water that is low cal instead of going for more wine, beer or cocktail – each of which is detrimental to your health. Another problem with alcohol is that it can weaken your will power. So depending on the amount of alcohol you have, you may tend to overlook your diet and munch on whatever you can find – like chips, nuts, and other snacks you normally don’t not eat.



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