100 most successful franchises in the world

100 most successful franchises in the world
Boris Jelenkovic

Glopinion by

Boris Jelenkovic

Jul 22, 2013

The portal has this year published its ranking list of the 100 most successful franchise systems in the world (Top 100 Global Franchises 2013). As in previous years, on top of the cling the most famous brands of "fast food" restaurants. First place is held Subway, mostly due to the vertiginous speed network expansion in recent years. According to recent data, Subway is closer to 40,000 restaurants, and you're already far in front of the former world number one McDonald's.

According to the list of portal FranchiseDirect.com most successful franchise systems still come from the United States. However, among the 100 has more and more brands from Europe.

Staggering growth in the number of business units have experienced some brands that top the list. The biggest surprise of the 7-Eleven commercial food chain, who came in second place. The company develops its network mainly in the U.S., Asia and Northern Europe, and currently has nearly 45,000 stores.

From franchises operating in Serbia on the list are mentioned Mc'Donalds (3rd place), KFC (4) and Marroit International (25), while the 13th place is retail chain Carrefour whose arrival in Serbia announces 2015th year.

As you can see, all five of the most successful systems come from the United States.

Domination franchise system of American origin, however, is not surprising. Franchising as a desirable and successful models for expansion and start-up, its full development experienced just in the United States, and official figures show that 70% of the American economy is based - the franchise business.

While it is certain that it will continue for a long time and franchise systems with the North American continent to be most abundant in the rankings of this type, however, thanks to a significant increase in the proportion of franchising in all economies of the world, grow and share "non-American" companies that are achieving success on a global scale.

A small, but significant changes are already noticeable in this list. While in the top 100 franchises 2012th entered only 7 companies that are not from the U.S. or Canada, this year there are 11 - ranked systems from France, Great Britain, Germany, Spain, Australia and Japan.

Of the European franchise systems, has strengthened its position as the hotel chain "InterContinental Hotels Group" from the UK - last year was the thirteenth this year to 10 place. French brands have taken a very good position: Europcar (12), Carrefour (13) Yves Rocher (30) and 5ásec (57), and it is interesting to Carrefour and 5ásec first appear in the list.

Among the top 100 there are three franchise systems in Spain: retail chain Dia (15), No Mas Vello (84) and Naturhouse (91). Most of these franchise systems operating successfully, or have plans to enter the markets of the region.

FranchiseDirect.com monitors about 5,000 franchise systems around the world, and the success of the concept is estimated based on the number of business units, sales revenue, stability and growth of the network, the number of years in the franchise system, the support provided by the franchisees, attitude towards the environment.

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