GLBrain +

GLBrain + offers revenue sharing for users (Agents) who bring their community to GLBrain. All based on our revolutionary chain code, hyper chain, and blockchain technology. It also offers the creation of specific agent - merchant relationships and specific marketplace solutions to dedicated groups.


Profit sharing

Every Agent gets his own Promo Code when registering to the GLBrain+System under his GLBrain Account. This Promo Code can be distributed and entered manually or distributed as a link within the agent's community. The Promo Code is unique for every GLBrain+ Agent. A user can only enter this code once and linking permanently to the Agent whose code he used. If he decides to become an Agent himself, he can start his own GLBrain+ tree which will be stand-alone and not be part of another Agents tree.

Become a GLBrain+ Agent

After registering as GLBrain+Agent, the user has to declare what country he operates from and to accept the"Special Terms of Use for the GLBrain+System". With these easy steps, he gets his own unique Promo Code to share with and link up his community. All who use this Promo Code are permanently linked to this Agent. The Agent will now receive a share of all income GLBrain / GLMall receives from all purchases of those and further users on five levels. The Agent will remain a GLBrain+Agent as long as he fulfills the conditions laid out in the "Special Terms of Use for the GLBrain+System".


In the Overview, the Agent can see his earning in real-time, and if these earnings come from the users direct linked to him or from further Agents within his tree. Level 1 shows users who used the Agent's Promo Code. Level 2-5 are users who used Promo Codes of users within the tree who became Agents themselves.


In his Community tab, the GLBrain+Agent can see his network on all 5 levels. Here the Agent can see all users of his GLBrain+tree and link to their profiles. He can communicate with them and invite them to become his "Friends". Users in his tree who decided to become a GLBrain+Agent themselves are labeled as "AGENT".


Earnings are shown in real time to be summed up for payment at the beginning of the following month. Payment will be done until the 15th of this month against a credit note raised By GLBrain. If the user opted for VAT payment, the credit note will include the VAT applicable. Effecting payment is subject to minimum amounts reached which at present is the net price for a professional profile in a country. In case this minimum amount is not reached, the amount due will be carried forward to the next month and paid once the minimum amount has accumulated.


Here the GLBrain+Agent shall define how he wants to receive his commission and as applicable in his country, declare if he opts for invoicing including or not including VAT. GLBrain+Agents may use PayPal or other country-specific payment options if offered by GLBrain.


Become GLBrain+Seller (For now only available in India)

GLBrain+Sellers can use the GLBrain+Agents Network to sell the goods and services they offer in GLMall. After having activated their GLMall account and uploaded their offers to their GLMall Store, they can apply to become accepted as a GLBrain+Agent. Sellers have to fill all necessary bank details where they want to receive the money for items they sold. This can be either Paypal or local bank details. Further the GLBrain+ Seller has to provide all tax and other needed details of the country they operate in. After having accepted the Terms and Conditions and being accepted by the Local Partner, the Seller can start also to advertise his products and services and his online business by using all possibilities offered by GLBrain and GLMall like writing Opinions or Banner Advertising and sharing to other social networks.

Searching GLBrain+Products and Services

Upon approval by the Local Partner, the GLBrain+Seller creates an active GLBrain+Seller Account. From then all products and services offered in GLMall can be filtered by all GLBrain+Agents in the search function by "show GLBrain+Products only". This way GLBrain+Agents will always see all products and services available in the geographic area of their activity. At the same time they can be sure to get the commission due to them once a business has been executed, as the Seller has agreed and the Local Partner will pay the GLBrain+Agent's commission before transferring the purchase price to the Seller.

Buying GLBrain+ Products and Services

The Buyer after having selected the item to be purchased will enter the Promo Code of the GLBrain+Agent who convinced him to buy this item and his shipping address. He may also use the GLBrain+Agent to help him with the transaction by effecting electronic payment or the further steps towards executing the business.

Order Status

By effecting the payment the order becomes active and both Buyer and Seller can follow and confirm the necessary steps of the execution of the order. They also can use the integrated messaging system in GLMall to communicate in case of any disturbances. The necessary obligations of all parties involved and their legal and financial consequences are explained and have been accepted in the Terms and Conditions by all parties involved in the transaction.

Payment to Seller

The Seller can follow all steps of all his transactions and after final execution of each single business the Seller will see on his account such finished transactions. Payment for all such transactions during one calendar months will be effected within the first 2 weeks of the following month, after deducting the Local Partner's and GLBrain+Agents commission. This commission is always minimum 8 % for the Local Partner's services and maximum 20 % in case a promo code of GLBrain+Agents is used for a transaction on all 3 levels adding up to a maximum of 12 %.

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